Elevate! Friends Home Campaign

A Campaign for Accessibility


Currently the Friends Home building has a single small elevator which severely limits accessibility:

  • Only a few residents at a time with walkers
  • Only one wheelchair at a time resulting in a backup during mealtime and activities
  • These inconveniences limit wheelchair use
  • Hard to get to second floor and main activities room on a lower level


Build a separate elevator tower and larger elevator onto the main building:

  • Larger elevator will accommodate multiple wheelchairs and a gurney.
  • Place at the end of a hallway so that residents will have an easier way to get between floors,
  • New elevator will give access to the attic as a sizable storage area


All of FHK will be FULLY accessible to residents, families, friends:

  • Opens up two stories to wheelchair use and provides access to all programs
  • Provides gurney accessibility
  • Speeds up resident flow between floors
  • Increases the number of rooms designated as wheelchair accessible
  • Expands our census potential
  • Limits stairway risks.

Multi-year pledge opportunities are available. Gifts in memory of a loved one are welcomed. Family contributions are encouraged. Please contact Wright Horne via email: whorne@fhkennett.org or phone: (609) 774-3049.

You can donate using PayPal or your credit card.
You do not need a PayPal account to donate.

Donate to our Elevate campaign!

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Contributions to Friends Home in Kennett are fully tax-deductible. Our EIN number is: 23-0604260.